Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Politics of Peace

             So last week Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced in Ramallah that he will be demanding full UN statehood for his people at the United Nations this week. He plans to apply to the UN Security Council first before going to the General Assembly, where he might get two third majority for creating a new Palestinian state. As far as Security Council is concerned, the application will be dead on arrival since US is opposing.
             So, why is President Abbas short-cutting (or trying to) the process, even his prime minister, Salam Fayyad, is against the idea of going to UN for statehood? Some people think that Abbas wants to lose. The US veto, he hopes, will tell the world that Israel, backed by the U.S., is the barrier to peace. But this is no way to bring peace to the people. I am totally for the ‘Two State theory’, but real problems needs to be solved before any ‘unilateral’ actions are taken.

            To Abbas’s point, Israel’s President Benjamin Netanyahu has been leaning with his right wing leaders and hence no fruits are bore from the long standing, boring peace negotiations. But again, Abbas has been Netanyahu’s partner in crime. For one, the charters of both wings of the Palestinians: Fatah and Hamas – call for the elimination of Israel. And secondly, Abbas and not Netanyahu, is the one who has refused to enter negotiations without conditions. More importantly, Abbas is seeking something at the UN that was already offered to the Palestinians in 2003 (Camp David summit organized by President Clinton) and rejected by them.

            I have been to the place in question and it is beautiful. Both Israelis and Palestinians have suffered a lot and I think politicians needs to keep politics aside and become leaders for once. They need to be sincere in there acts and should put peoples interest first for they too have right to live there life in peace and harmony. Israeli and Palestinian children’s have suffered enough. From all the wishes I have, I really want to see peace in the Middle East before my life ends. 

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